A podcast that redefines what it means to be informed in your pregnancy and birth.
This can seem like you are on an overwhelming journey. Breathe. Always come back to the breath. And read on. We are here to help.
[2.05] Anonymous asks about partial molar pregnancies how long you should wait before trying again for a pregnancy, she also asks about how long she should wait before seeking further help and assessment from fertility treatments.
[3.12] Dr Pat talks about the 2 types of molar pregnancies and molar registries.
[5.55] Dr Pat talks about the timeframes to wait before trying for another pregnancy after a molar pregnancy.
[7.26] Dr Pat talks about when women should seek further assistance when trying to conceive.
[9.06] Anonymous asks about the use of a cook’s catheter to induce a labour.
[10.25] Anonymous also asks about women considering new pregnancy after CMV infection?
[10.51] Dr Pat talks about what CMV is and how it can affect a pregnant woman and her baby.
[11.55] Dr Pat talks about when a cook’s catheter would be used in an induction.
[17.30] Dr Pat talks about what is next for a woman who had a CMV pregnancy loss of a baby.
[18.45] Anonymous asks about how a shorten cervix will affect subsequent pregnancies.
[19.16] Dr Pat talks about the pros and cons of having a cervical stitch.
[21.19] Dr Pat talks about extreme prematurity as a risk factor for subsequent pregnancies
[21.51] Dr Pat talks about how a stitch is done.
[23.38] Georgia asks about how her history of endo and her retroverted uterus affects her pregnancy.
[24.03] Georgia asks about how to navigate a difficult dynamic with her mother and involving her in her pregnancy.
[25.22] Dr Pat talks about endo and a retroverted uterus and whether this has any obstetric consequences.
[27.19] Brigid talks about how to navigate difficult family dynamics during pregnancy.
[31.47] Anonymous asks if there are any risks associated with weaning breastfeeding during the first trimester.
[33.12] Dr Pat talks about breastfeeding having a contraceptive effect,
[34.17] Dr Pat talks about if there is a difference in miscarriage rates in women who are lactating when they conceive.
[35.00] Dr Pat and Brigid talk about breastfeeding.
[36.43] Alice asks 3 questions about ectopic pregnancies. The first question is whether the fact she had to have her one of her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed will impact her future fertility. Her second question was whether now she has had an ectopic pregnancy is she at higher risk of having another one, and her final question was about what type of monitoring she should expect for future pregnancies.
[37.39] Dr Pat talks about fertility after losing an ovary or fallopian tube.
[40.30] Dr Pat talks about why people who have had a previous ectopic pregnancy are at higher risk of having another ectopic pregnancy.
[41.20] Dr Pat talks about the monitoring that would be done for subsequent pregnancies after an ectopic pregnancy.
We work and live on Wadawarrung land. We acknowledge the Elders, past present and emerging.
We also acknowledge the rich birthing history of aboriginal women and the connection to country that this has been and always will be.
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