Expert information you can rely on.

GrowMyBaby Program


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Do you have a tonne of information at your fingertips but still don't know your next correct step? 



Is everyone trying to tell you their stories and give you advice?



Are you googling every little symptom to make sure everything is ok but then feel worse?  

Doubting yourself?


Right now, you are desperately wanting everything to go RIGHT with your pregnancy.

You want to MAKE SURE you are eating right, exercising right & taking the right prenatal supplement.

You want to KNOW what Every. Single. Symptom means.

You are listening to all the stories and you are losing CONFIDENCE.

You are so CONFUSED by how people have described things like “what baby movements feel like”.

You want to translate what your doctor or midwife told you at your last visit into something you UNDERSTAND.

You just want to know if what you are feeling is normal.

We get you.

Let us ask you a question, how CALM do you feel day in day out about your pregnancy?
Are you...

Are you looking for a way to enjoy your pregnancy without the stress?

Finally the only pregnancy guide you will ever need.

We know there are LOTS of people giving advice about pregnancy

But here's thing. You're not alone. This is exactly the space that most women start...

You will learn exactly how to:

Identify if something is normal or if something requires immediate attention

Know what is safe and what is not safe to do during your pregnancy

Optimise your visits to your doctor or midwife by knowing exactly what questions to ask

Utilise your new knowledge to help you make great decisions if/when plans change

Critically assess advice you are given without being overwhelmed

Clearly enable you to list a series of next steps if you have a problem in your pregnancy

Build a network of other mamas and experts around you to support you into your motherhood.

There is a LOT of noise.

BUT we have to say STOP focusing on the stuff that is ultimately NOT going to mean that much and START concentrating on the things that really matter.

Now you are not alone if you don’t know what REALLY matters.

We do, that’s our job.

The GrowMyBaby method shadows you through whatever stage of pregnancy you are at and helps you KNOW what is important and what you can do to help improve your outcomes.

join now!

The GrowMyBaby program is a comprehensive guide written by an Obstetrician with 20+ years of experience.

Growing a Baby
is physically, mentally and emotionally challenging enough WITHOUT the added stress of confusion and overwhelm.

EVEN IF you have been struggling to nut this all out on your own

EVEN IF you feel like your pregnancy is different

EVEN IF you have done all the courses

You will learn exactly what you need to know to have your best pregnancy

Here's a few examples

Becki knew exactly what to expect of her gestational diabetes test, when to have it and what her results meant and what her next steps were.

Teymara prepared her birth plan by knowing all the tools she wanted to try to help her manage pain during her labour – the risks, benefits, when to ask for help and how each option would make her feel.

Rachel knew exactly what to do next when she experienced the terrifying moment of an early trimester bleed.

Sarah felt she could confidently ask questions of her obstetrician when it was suggested she have an induction.

More Calm.
More Confidence. Increased Happiness
…with experts on tap

ALRIGHT, let's get something off our chest.

Just because you can get access to information to anything you type into the Google bar doesn’t mean you are INFORMED about your pregnancy.

Trying to figure it out on your own is NOT a strategy.

Our members are getting step-by-step information to get them to a place of CALM.

(...and this happened because they chose to join us and get a reliable source of information.)

The GrowMyBaby is designed for any woman who wants to feel Informed.

Will this program work for me?...

Straight away you will start to feel more supported and calmer.

And more importantly you’ll be starting to feel that EXCITEMENT again that you felt when you first found out you were pregnant.

Before STRESS and WORRY ruled your days.

Imagine if mostly in your pregnancy you found yourself…
…smiling when you rub your belly as you CONNECT in with your baby
…feeling hugely CLEVER and proud of yourself for growing a baby.
…breathing with CONFIDENCE when you think about becoming a mother, a family
…feeling a deep sense of CALM even when plans change

Our members include:

Those who are having their first baby and everything is brand new.
Anyone who felt blindsided in their first pregnancy and want to feel more prepared this time around.
Those who have had a BIG journey to get pregnant and need expert reassurance
Parents-to-be who already have an obstetrician or midwife and want confirmation of their plan
Anyone who is booked through public hospital and want access to more timely information
Those who have limited access to healthcare because they live remotely

Have a constant source of EXPERT information to show you the exact steps to take during your pregnancy.


Keep trying to figure it out on your own and spending your time running around the Internet and going down the all the rabbit holes.

You could do this


There are two choices:


You could do this

Discover exactly what you'll learn using our MAMA method:

Take a look inside the course modules and...

Checklists to take to your healthcare provider to help you to ask all the questions 

Understand the milestones which trigger suggestions of intervention and know the questions to ask to help you make decisions.

Identify the pivotal milestones in your pregnancy that need assessment by your healthcare provider 

Understand the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of ALL the tests you need and when you need them



Active learning


No more feeling blindsided. Know what to expect along the course of your entire pregnancy. What appointments to make, what tests to have and why and what to ask your health care providers to get the MOST out of every appointment. 

Learn what to expect when you have your ultrasounds, blood glucose test, fetal monitoring, antenatal visits, growth scans.  

Understand the decisions you need to make for you and your newborn during and after birth

Find out what is proven to help optimise your health and your baby's health during pregnancy and beyond

Learn the stages of  labour and birth and what you can do at each new phase during the birth of your baby - such as active birth positions and pain management techniques.



Active Learning


This is the opposite of "I will just Google it". This module is 18+ bundles of expert content that is based on real life medical experience and rigorous medical data.

Learn techniques to bring calm into your day - even when your pregnancy may look different to others, even when there are twists and turns. 

Listen to how to build a positive mindset for labour and birth.

Learn the common fears everyone has about labour and birth as we unpack them and workshop them with you.

Know when you need help from a professional like a psychologist or psychiatrist and how to find the help.



Active Learning


Move from overwhelm to calm. Everyday in your pregnancy, (then in your parenting), there is a new challenge. Learn the common challenges everyone has in their pregnancy and get the tools to integrate into your day, just like daily physical exercise, a daily mindset practice to help you feel a sense of peace.

Get guidance about your newborn decisions like cord blood & vaccinations and the first few days after baby is born 

Have the tools for sleep and feeding your newborn to help put you on the road to parenting

Get a plan for your exercise and how your activity changes during your pregnancy and postpartum phase. 

Get a guide for your partner that is based on real action they can do during your labour and birth



active learning


Stop 'doing it all' until you know it's the RIGHT action. This is the opposite of rabbit holes. Learn the ESSENTIAL aspects of growing a baby that really matter from experts that are working with pregnant women EVERYDAY - Obstetrician, Physiotherapist, Anaesthetist, Psychologist, Dietician, Sleep consultant, lactation consultant.

An insider talk with Anaesthetist, Dr Craig Mitchell about epidurals and spinal blocks. Their pros and cons, the questions to ask, what to expect if you choose pain relief.


This is an adaptable plan that isn't just about dimming lights. It is a tool that is based on real life medical experience that will help you in your decision making during birth.

A birth plan


Gain exclusive access to these bonuses

And let's call in some extras!

Pain management

Join now!


one-time payment of

Are you ready to power up  your Pregnancy?



 Information from Dr. Pat and Brigid, information from other experts they trust, and witness to the questions, worries, and joys of fellow lovely pregnant women who also appreciate reliable, balanced information. I feel empowered with information, information I never would have known to ask about, information my medical provider doesn't provide by default (and is even difficult to get if I do ask - I've tried!). I am very grateful for the Grow My Baby program!

"I wasn't sure what the Grow My Baby program would provide on top of the podcasts, but I wanted to find out. It turns out the Grow My Program has provided me a whole new level of support - 


I love the 'what does it mean to be induced?' module!

The other places this has been explained to me is at my Calmbirth program and by my midwife.

Your program explained it best. I especially appreciate the diagrams. Our 36w baby is at the 95th % for everything, measuring at 39w5d...

Induction may be on the table for us, I am undecided, so I particularly appreciate this module. Thank you so much! 


Finding reliable and evidence based information like this that is easy to access is priceless! Thank you so much for being at the forefront of delivering pregnancy information like no one else!

“I have to admit I was a little hesitant towards making the
financial investment in the program. You have well
and truly delivered! 


  I love all the information and how pragmatic Pat and Brigid are.
It really helps me keep on top of all the worries which pop up and get back to enjoying my pregnancy."

“I'm going through the public system and having the information and access to an expert is so reassuring.

Love notes

In helping 4000+ women have their babies I know there are elements during the process that are crucial to how you feel about the outcome.

I have seen women with a ‘text book’ pregnancy and birth feel disappointed.
I have seen women with a scary ‘lights and sirens’ emergency feel calm.

What’s the difference?

Good information + confidence + open mindset

But it took me a little while to understand this. You know the saying that if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail?

Well when you are a doctor sometimes everything looks like a problem only YOU can fix.

Brigid and I have four beautiful boys and it took me the complexity of parenting, to understand that lots of the anxieties and worries could be eased by EDUCATION.

As a husband and a father, I became a better doctor.

Hey, I'm Dr Pat. I have been working as an Obstetrician now for more than 20+ years.

Meet your teachers

Being a father and a partner PLUS helping 4000+ women to have their babies, I know a pregnant mama needs MORE than just tests and ultrasounds to get to a place where she can feel calm and happy.

By far, my greatest joy is being mama. But it hasn't always been this way.

My first pregnancy, in my first marriage before I met Dr Pat, I really thought I knew enough and I felt I had done EVERYTHING to be prepared. I read the books, I listened to the 'shoulds', I listened to the stories, I did my yoga.

Yet I was one of the many who felt 'blindsided' and 'overwhelmed' after my first son's birth. It turns out the information I researched, the rabbit holes I went down, was not the information I needed to help me make informed decisions.

It left me in 'blame'. I felt I had failed at birth so how could I be a good mother?

9 years later, married now to Dr Pat, my third boy's pregnancy and birth was so different. I felt calm and confident. Dr Pat was definitely down the hand holding end and was not my official obstetrician BUT I could ask him anything during my pregnancy. I could sort the myth from fact, what was opinion and what really mattered.

It took information from an experienced expert to help me enjoy being mama.

Hey, I'm Brigid. For 21 years, I have parented four boys, worked in health and marketing and now help run our medical clinic.

This is what we want for you. Powerful pregnancies and birth. Joy in motherhood. Joy in becoming a parent.

“I am so very glad to have this resource you’ve created! I would otherwise have no idea what to do, and no trusted resource to ask if I felt uncertain about things I’ve been told to do.” 

“I feel properly prepared knowing what I need to ask my care provider, not being blindsided by Dr Google or old wives tales and knowing what to expect during each stage of pregnancy. The amount of reading was perfect, the 10-15minutes I’d sit down in the afternoon while my 3 year old was entertained and catch up on the modules”.



Love notes

We know there's SO much information available. That's the problem.
 Much of it is opinion.
Much of it from providers who haven't been in the room.
Who haven't caught a baby, who haven't had to talk with a woman when there's a big decision to be made, who aren't regulated.
We are all those things. We work in the space of pregnancy healthcare for women EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Imagine if you could have  expert information on tap? 

And now it's your turn!

Yes, if you are a pregnant then we are confident that you will be happy with the course material. What we can’t give information on is the medical systems in countries other than Australia. Well not yet. If you think the course is for you but you live in America for example, you will have to adapt it to your country until we do a field trip!

Is this course suitable for countries other than Australia?


We are there for you.
A big problem we hear from mamas who miscarry is that they feel alone. We are like your ‘secret’ support if this happens to you. You still have access to the course, and you will also be invited into the pre-pregnancy module. 

What happens to my program if I have a miscarriage?


A BIG YES. You are getting to the pointy end right? Everything you need to know about preparing for labour – you and your support person, how labour starts, what to expect at every stage of labour, what happens if you need help in your labour, recovery, decisions for your newborn, mindset, feeding your baby, writing the best birth plan +MORE …So. Much. Value.

I am already 30 weeks will I still get value from the program?


I bet you're wondering....

your questions answered

If you are pregnant RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t matter where you are in your pregnancy, once you join you can select the bundle you want to start on. This is yours to keep as long as we keep the program open so you can re-visit for your next baby as well.

If you are not pregnant yet but are trying then come and join getting pregnant program. 

When is the best time to join the program?


Firstly, thank you. We love putting The Kick together and we know tonnes of women are REALLY helped through listening to it. The GrowMyBaby program is very different. It is an outcome based, step by step program that covers EVERYTHING you need to know during your pregnancy, labour, birth, recovery after birth and caring for your baby in the first 6 weeks. 

I have listened to every episode of your podcast, The Kick, will this be any different?


Hmmm. Yes and No. Yes you could get by with googling or asking your friends, maybe following your favourite IG account but you know what? This ends up with a lot of 'opinion' This program is about taking you step by step through the key milestones of your pregnancy, giving you lots of the RIGHT information. When you know better, you go better.

Can’t I just figure this out on my own? 


All the ESSENTIALS that is based on expert information from an Obstetrician and other experts with real life EVERY day medical experience. 

Expert answers to the questions that are keeping you up at night. 

What questions to ask your healthcare provider to get the most out of each appointment. 

A resource that's accessible for you and your partner so you can learn together. 

Checklists and plans to help you make informed decisions.

This program is perfect for you if you want to real information like....

Pregnancy and birth IS unpredictable. Sometimes you will be out of control. Occasionally you will feel overwhelmed.

Our members know growing a baby and becoming mama is a dance, not a fight. They feel supported and grateful to be on the 'inside'.

We invite you to join us.

Ready to be mama 
Calm and confident 

When you finish this program your will feel...

Join now!


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