Whether you are thinking of becoming pregnant or you are pregnant, we are stoked to be a part of your journey. 

Hey there, firstly a big Congrats! 

Dr Pat has helped 4000+ babies to be born. That is a lot of sleepless nights and early morning rises. He has a special interest in pre-existing issues, like endometriosis, and the impact these issues have in pregnancy.

Mama Brigid wears a few hats with a background in Podiatry then Marketing, she helps to run the Clinic and manage the household with four boys needing to be loved, fed and ferried. 

Hi, we are Dr Pat and Mama Brigid. 

We are a husband and wife duo who have been running an Obstetrics and Gynaecology clinic for more than 13 years.

We are also the loving (and sometimes exhausted) parents of four boys.

We live and breathe babies, parenting and helping women live their awesomeness!

We know there's lots of information on the internet about pregnancy.
Billions of articles, forums, and Insta accounts.
Some are really good - maybe a little dry and technical - and some are biased, not up-to-date, non-expert or simply put - dangerous. 

These are the ones that makes us loose sleep.

Are you ready to being informed?

Now you are on the path to being MAMA, to becoming a parent, how do you feel?

Great news, mama-to-be

We are here to guide you and take away the rabbit holes of confusion. 

It makes us very distressed that all the rabbit holes ultimately can lead to a loss of confidence. 

We hear words like "blindsided" and "overwhelmed" and phrases like
"I wish I had of known" and "if only someone had of told me".
Often these words are from women who have had their babies.

Today's birth preparation is a lot of listening to birth stories with a dash of 'I don't need to know that as it won't happen to me' with a spritz of hospital antenatal classes on the side.

Hands up if this is familiar?

Well, we think there is another way to help you feel CALM + CONFIDENT in your mama skin.

We often hear stories where a pregnancy or birth has taken many unplanned twists (...the very common story of growing a baby).

What has taken our breath away is when our members tell us a story where some of the twists were scary and yet they remained calm + confident. 

What is their secret? Expert, meaningful, real life information.

Knowledge truly is power.

Pregnancy, birth and parenting is a dance. 

Expertise and evidence are our superpowers

Acceptance over perfection

When you know better you go better

Education is key

We know a mama's pregnancy and birth has a massive impact on how she begins her motherhood. 

We believe:

Our passion is that with the right tools, a mama can springboard into motherhood feeling

It's not just a good Stan binge that excites us...

Our core values


  Actual access to Dr. Pat and Brigid, information from other experts they trust, and witness to the questions, worries, and joys of fellow lovely pregnant women who also appreciate reliable, balanced information. I feel empowered with information, information I never would have known to ask about, information my medical provider doesn't provide by default (and is even difficult to get if I do ask - I've tried!). I am very grateful for the Grow My Baby program!

"I wasn't sure what the Grow My Baby program would provide on top of the podcasts, but I wanted to find out. It turns out the Grow My Program has provided me a whole new level of support - 


"Your program has supported me to feel educated and empowered during my pregnancy at a time where I otherwise would've been feeling unsure, confused, totally unprepared and quite powerless".


Finding reliable and evidence based information like this that is easy to access is priceless! Thank you so much for being at the forefront of delivering pregnancy information like no one else!

“I have to admit I was a little hesitant towards making the
financial investment in the program. You have well
and truly delivered! 


  I love all the information and how responsive and pragmatic Pat and Brigid are in the group and the lives. 
It really helps me keep on top of all the worries which pop up and get back to enjoying my pregnancy."

“I'm going through the public system and having the information and access to an expert is so reassuring.

Love notes