A podcast that redefines what it means to be informed in your pregnancy and birth.
This can seem like you are on an overwhelming journey. Breathe. Always come back to the breath. And read on. We are here to help.
[0.47] Dr Pat and Brigid introduce Amy and her story.
[2.15] Amy introduces herself to the listeners.
[3.35] Amy talks about her decision to become a mum.
[5.02] Dr Pat talks about the value in see a medical professional prior to starting to try to conceive.
[6.31] Amy talks about how tracking her cycle helped her to fall pregnant.
[7.26] Dr Pat talks about what a luteal phase is and how it can vary in lengths.
[9.01] Amy talks about having ulcerative colitis and Dr Pat talks about the implications of this on pregnancy.
[11.17] Dr Pat talks about pregnancy and pre-existing conditions.
[12.19] Amy talks about her pregnancy experience and how she managed severe nausea, reflux and high blood pressure.
[13.31] Amy talks about seeking help for her pre-existing mental health issues during her pregnancy.
[15.35] Amy and Dr Pat talks about how big of a change and transition pregnancy and birth is.
[17.14] Amy talks about her waters breaking.
[19.29] Dr Pat talks about what happens when there is meconium in the waters.
[20.53] Amy talks about needing to have an induction and what this was like for her both mentally and physically.
[23.03] Amy talks about her labour and the different pain relief options she used through out it.
[23.42] Dr Pat talks about using remifentanil for pain relief in birth.
[24.35] Amy talks about being flexible with plans in birth.
[25.54] Amy talks about having a long stage of pushing.
[26.44] Dr Pat and Amy talks about George needing resus after birth.
[28.59] Amy talks about the discussion she had with Dr Pat prior to going to labour about how her third stage of labour was going to go.
[30.15] Dr Pat talks about having the syntocinon injection.
[32.42] Amy and Dr Pat talks about what happened next with Amy having a retained placenta and a postpartum haemorrhage.
[39.33] Amy talks about going off to theatre to remove her retained placenta.
[40.46] Dr Pat talks about some of the causes of a retained placenta.
[43.19] Amy talks about waking up after her surgery, starting to breastfeed and needing a blood transfusion.
[48.54] Amy talks about how the GrowMyBaby help both her and Chris throughout Amy’s pregnancy and birth.
[50.50] Amy talks about what she wishes she knew when she first started her pregnancy journey and being diagnosed with postpartum depression.
We work and live on Wadawarrung land. We acknowledge the Elders, past present and emerging.
We also acknowledge the rich birthing history of aboriginal women and the connection to country that this has been and always will be.
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